Thursday, November 28, 2013

0053 -- giving thanks

The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind adventure. We have been so lucky to have SO many amazing friends, such great experiences, each other, and our health. Really, how could anyone ask for anything more?!?

This thanksgiving we spend it with our friends Linsay and Wesley. We met them through a mutual friend from LA and have been fortunate enough to see them weekly since we met. They made a vegan thanksgiving feast that words really cannot describe!!! 
We also got to be witnesses to their baby Phelyn eating her fist solid food; an avocado of course!!!
The meal was beyond delicious and we topped it off with our homemade desserts (recipes in my next post): apple pie & Mexican wedding cookies 

and a seriously KILLER round of Cards Against Humanity (of course Lynsay's daughter Sierra won)!
All in all it was the most magical day and we are SO darn thankful for the way that everything is playing out. It's really just so amazing that we have been so fortunate. Happy holidays!!

Update again soon!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos you captured! How darling is baby Phelyn! Glad you had a great thanksgiving darling! Hoping to be with you for our first ever thanksgiving next year :) xx
