Sunday, March 23, 2014

0069 -- spring is coming

And there I go again getting wrapped up in life and forgetting about this little blog of mine...things have been busy this month. We had some friends in town from North Carolina (see below), I've been working a bunch, I got tattooed, I gave up meat, and spring is surely springing.

Despite all the busy, we've been able to keep positive about all the change and how little down time we've been getting. I've been working on some wedding invites and some ice cream branding outside of regular work that has been really fun and has reminded me why I do what I do. I've been missing the fashion world here and there, but I'm sure this break is doing me good.

The weather here has finally changed (thank goodness)! There are little flower buds everywhere and the trees look like their starting to grow back their leaves. We still have many more weeks of rain, the forecast says rain until Friday at the moment...ugh! 

Anyhow, here's some photos of the past few weeks:








Saturday, March 8, 2014

0068 -- music holes

For a long time while I worked I wouldn't listen to anything. I'm not exactly sure why, or if I was even really aware that I was doing it. Lately I've found myself falling down rabbit holes of songs and playlists while I work. Constantly tapping my feet as I pixel push logos or retouch product photos. I've been so intrigued by my own sudden re-spark in songs I thought it was worth sharing a few.

My current go-to's have been:
Tycho- awake (the whole album tho)
Crystal Castles-
Lymbyc Systym- truth skull
Q Lazarus- good bye horse
Her Space Holiday- the young machines
The xx- you've got the love remix
Blonde Redhead- equus
Broken Social Scene- anthems for 17 year old girls
Grimes- oblivion
Knesset- bitter hearts
American Analog Set- punk as fuck

All this music thought makes me think about sharing songs and how it's something as I grow older I do less of, or I should say, I do less of with a large group of people. I can remember in high school constantly trading tapes and CDR's of amazing mixes with everyone in my circle of friends. These days it's rare to bring up an album or even listen to a song all the way through when I'm with company. Anyhow, hopefully maybe you'll enjoy these...

Update again soon.
