Monday, February 17, 2014

0067 - the list

This whole not shopping this is getting to me. I'll admit it. It's been hard not to get myself a little something here or there and of course, I'm seeing everything I want. Spring is approaching and I am longing for shorter sleeves, less layers, and sunglasses!
I really blame the shopping craving on:

these AMAZING mules
this retro inspired swim suit
this pair of boyfriend denim
these awesome (!!!) spotted shorts
mmm sweaters
this funky sweater
forever in black (glitter)

PHEW! I'm a wanty lady! I have been trying to go through and clean out my closet and I now have to decide how to get rid of these goodies...I used to have an Etsy shop and I've seen some pretty good "shop my closet" Instagrams, but I'll have to do some more research. Got any good spots?

With the help of my dad's air miles I've booked myself a little trip back south to the desert leaving the husband at home so I can meet up with my gal pal Dawn! I am thrilled we are going back to the Ace for a few days!!

We've agreed that we have to do more than just drink (we have a tendency to just drink all our meals starting the moment we get there). I'm thinking I'll take her to Moortens Garden (you know the one from our wedding).

Anyhow it's sushi happy hour time for us. Update again soon!


1 comment:

  1. I'm SO jealous your going back to PS!! Can't wait for the photos to appear on IG! When are you going for your weekend away? xx
