Wednesday, August 21, 2013

0023 -- nice and naughty!

our wedding is a mere 24 days away so i've spent the last two weekends with some of my absolute favorite people at two very lovely and very different bridal showers! the first shower was hosted by my soon to be mom-in-law, Kathy and her best friend Glenda at Glenda's gorgeous beach front home in San Diego. It was so magical! The weather was warm, the food was amazing (as always as both Glenda and her daughter Arles are super stars in the kitchen), and the company was just perfect:
Glenda and I with her precious pup Camille

Kathy and I

just some of the lovely ladies who came as well as the view from Glenda's deck


my bridesmaid Sarah made my rehearsal bouquet!!

me and my girls

this weekend my maid of honor and ladywife, Marissa, threw me a VERY naughty lingerie shower! she and her husband decorated their whole house with black plastic, naughty torture devices, handcuffs, and hand painted signs! the food was amazing as Marissa had of course stalked my tumblr and made me treats based on my recent posts. perhaps the coolest part of it was the video that she, her husband, and Jordan made so that we could play our version of the "newlywed game"! it was amazing!
most of the girls!

the spread with Bowie overlooking on it all

the ladywife and hostest

i got a thing for Bowie...

and the craziest wiener cake ever!

i have been having so much fun and can't wait to get married now!! i'm so thankful for my girl friends! <3


  1. I love all these pictures and you're one lucky lady to have such wonderful gals in your life!!

    I can't get over how BIG that weiner cake is! Totally awesome haha!!

    22 days and counting until were on a plane :D xx

    1. <3 i am so so so lucky and i cannot wait for you to meet these gals! they are never going to let you leave!! :) the weenie cake was seriously huge! the "head" was the same size as my head!!! haha!! can't wait for you to get here, i even know where we're going for dinner! <3
