Tuesday, July 2, 2013

0017 -- a little bad day blues

lately i've been listening to lots of documentaries* as well as keeping my eye on the current political climate here in the states. i've been feeling a little out of the loop as well i feel it's important for me to know what's going on in my own country. unfortunately it feels a little difficult to hear about what is really going on, especially since jordan and i don't have cable of any sort and we're skeptical of where most news come from. but, some really amazing things have happened in the last few weeks, like the over turning of DOMA (woohoo!!!!) as well as the over turning of Prop 8 here in california. i am so happy that these awful laws have been removed despite what christians and republicans have done to try and prevent!! i truly believe that we are ALL meant to be happy and love who ever we want. it's unfair to expect that everyone is going to love the same, i mean isn't that what's so great about people? we're all so different!

along with the good there has been some really bummer stuff coming up. like the law in bill in texas that although was beaten thanks to Wendy Davis' filibustering, will be coming back as soon as they get the chance. as well, did you know that almost the EXACT same bill has already passed in Georgia? it's pretty scary. now i've thankfully never had to make the difficult to have an abortion, but i stand very very strongly behind my view that it is a woman's right to choose and that's all there is to it. if you aren't a woman, you should have no say in it, it's not your body. it's pretty amazing that it's already so difficult to get one, and so many of the hoops they make women jump through are pretty gross. like the mandatory waiting time between seeing a psychologist about your decision and the actual procedure. anyhow, it's something that as a woman i find has been weighing very heavily on me and makes me very concerned for the future of women's rights.

 beyond that i've been reading into our food and health situation here in this country. between pushing the fast foods, the corn, the gluten, all the prepackaged overly processed foods it's really no wonder that we're all so fat and sick. of course i understand the difficulties of eating correctly, but our government is doing nothing to help us! allowing companies like monsanto keep pushing their gmo mislabeled "goods" on us all. even whole foods isn't safe! we all know that mcdonals is one of the worst, but check out their recent "transparency" campaign which gave readers the list of all 17 ingredients in their french fries, if you can pronounce more than just vegetable and oil i'm impressed! it's just frightening that people aren't more angry, or demanding to know what they are consuming. i mean most of the packaged foods we eat are actually illegal in other countries...what does that say about the USDA and the FDA?

sorry to make this post so heavy. but i just feel SO darn strongly lately that i'm doing everything in my life to make sure that i'm aware and accountable for my actions and opinions. and while i'm talking about opinions i'll leave you with a great quote by Bill Bullard “Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.”

*list of documentaries that i've watched that have conjured up so many of these feelings:
food inc.
if a tree falls
hot coffee
fat, sick, & nearly dead
forks over knives
no impact man
park avenue: money, power & the american dream

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